Bank Central Asia Requires Marketing Officer for Jakarta

We offer wide opportunity to grow with BCA. With the background skills, education and experience vary, we provide a variety of positions both at the Head Office or Branch Office.
Currently we are looking for:
Position: Marketing Officer
Work Location: Jakarta Raya
- Candidate must posess al least Bachelor's degree (S1), GPA min. 2.75
- Age less than 30 years
- Strong communication & negotiation
- Preferred minimum 2 years work experience in the field of Marketing
- Having the ability to work within a team
- Initiative & Creative
- Demonstrate logical thinking and analytical skill
- marketing oriented
- Good Apperance & attractive
- Able to work quickly with deadlines that have been determined
Interested individual is highly encouraged to apply online through the following link below.
Closing Date: 18 February 2012
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